Audio Ads

An integrated audio ads analysis tool promises greater accuracy than traditional techniques, with some “match rates” reaching as high as 100%.

AudioLab, an audio-specific global measurement tool, has demonstrated how combined digital audio campaign analysis is now possible for the first time.

Dentsu agency iProspect used Adwanted AudioLab’s beta testing capability to monitor and analyse an ongoing digital audio campaign for an established UK scratchcard brand.

In an interview with The Media Leader, Elliot Weir, an AV partner at iProspect, said they were excited to beta test AudioLab and support businesses trying to address measurement, trading and accountability across the audio landscape. VOD integration into Caria has been great; we would love for radio and digital audio!

The AudioLab dashboard presents insights about impressions by platform, daypart, device and day of the week/daypart (see graphs below).


AudioLab utilises the IAB’s recommended framework and video ad-serving technology (VAST), similar to what Global’s Digital Ad Exchange (DAX), Octave, Acast and other digital publishers utilise, which leads to higher impression match rates, typically 99-100% with DAX.

Buyers rely on tools designed for measuring online impressions, such as Google Campaign Manager 360 (CM360), to track digital audio inventory, often resulting in discrepancies between buy-side metrics and those provided by publishers.

Under the current process, buyers typically receive impression delivery reports in various forms from individual publishers at various times. They must then collate all this data into one comprehensive delivery report before providing this to clients.

AudioLab offers combined analysis independently verified by an impartial, trusted provider. Both products are offered by Adwanted UK – parent of The Media Leader, and providing information for this article, all reporting remains impartial.


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